Why “Flow Unlocked”?

Unlock your Body.

Our bodies are designed to flow through movements efficiently; each muscle with its own set of functions, all working together to carry us through our motions with ease.

But, life happens. An injury, illness, or even just some bad habits like slouching that have compounded over time, end up throwing us out of whack.

In our training, we will work to recondition your body; unlocking it’s movement potential through work that focuses on improving range of motion and getting muscles working together again to restore your natural flow.

Unlock Your Mind.

When we find the key to moving fluidly and resting without discomfort, we heighten our ability to focus. For so many of us, our bodies function as a source of distraction, pulling us off our trains of thought with little twinges and aches throughout the day. When those distractions are addressed, we can flow, uninterrupted and fully focused on the task at hand. We will unlock your body, so we can unlock your mind, and you can better access that highly productive state of consciousness known as flow.

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“I would describe Sam’s approach as holistic, corrective, and relational.”

— Savannah B.